SEO Strategy: Ranking Your Terms on Google’s Terms

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SEO is a marathon, not a sprint

Ranking on the first page for your keyword in the first month is a dream, not a plan.

The reality is, any SEO strategy requires months of work.

How many months, exactly? SEO is not an exact science. The competitive landscape, Google’s algorithm, and all sorts of other variables are subject to change. Everything from how many clicks your social media content gets to how frequently you publish blog content plays a role.

We know how frustrating that can be. Regardless of how tough your keyword is or where your brand ranks for it, however, publishing high-quality content often will help. So will things you can do yourself, like sharing out content and improving your site’s architecture.

Even the toughest keywords can be taken on, and we’ll run the race as far as your resources allow. That much, we can promise.

SEO may help you generate leads

Leads cannot be conjured with magic words, digital or otherwise. If they could, we’d be chanting that incantation all day.

With that said, search can support a multi-pronged lead generation strategy. SEO can boost site traffic and, by extension, leads, with the right technical and content foundation.

SEO is not a panacea, but most Google users do click one of the first few results for their query. If you’re not sure whether your foundation is set up to capitalize on those clicks, let’s chat.

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SEO is a marathon, not a sprint

Ranking on the first page for your keyword in the first month is a dream, not a plan.

The reality is, any SEO strategy requires months of work.

How many months, exactly? SEO is not an exact science. The competitive landscape, Google’s algorithm, and all sorts of other variables are subject to change. Everything from how many clicks your social media content gets to how frequently you publish blog content plays a role.

We know how frustrating that can be. Regardless of how tough your keyword is or where your brand ranks for it, however, publishing high-quality content often will help. So will things you can do yourself, like sharing out content and improving your site’s architecture.

Even the toughest keywords can be taken on, and we’ll run the race as far as your resources allow. That much, we can promise.

SEO may help you generate leads

Leads cannot be conjured with magic words, digital or otherwise. If they could, we’d be chanting that incantation all day.

With that said, search can support a multi-pronged lead generation strategy. SEO can boost site traffic and, by extension, leads, with the right technical and content foundation.

SEO is not a panacea, but most Google users do click one of the first few results for their query. If you’re not sure whether your foundation is set up to capitalize on those clicks, let’s chat.



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On-page SEO is all about content

On-page SEO helps search engines see your site as a valuable resource. Broadly speaking, on-page SEO involves two processes: content creation and keyword optimization.

The writers and editors on our team specialize in creating high-quality blog posts, in-depth guides, web copy, and more. Our keyword experts make sure each piece of content they create is optimized for relevant terms.

Technical SEO is, well, technical

Technical SEO is concerned with the structure and backend processes of your website. Without getting too technical, it covers all sorts of best practices that make your site more secure and user-friendly.

Is your website optimized for mobile access? Does it use SSL — the security technology represented by the “S” in HTTPS? How quickly does it load? Does it contain duplicate content?

If you answered “Huh?” to any of those questions, you may need a website audit. If we don’t know what’s broken, we can’t fix it.

Off-page SEO is about backlinks — but there’s more to the story

To judge your site’s authority and credibility, search engines also account for how other websites interact with it. Most off-page SEO is accomplished by building backlinks.

In the future, and perhaps already, Google is likely to take other off-page factors into account. A relevant brand mention, even if it’s not linked to your site, may boost its search rankings.



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On-page SEO is all about content

On-page SEO helps search engines see your site as a valuable resource. Broadly speaking, on-page SEO involves two processes: content creation and keyword optimization.

The writers and editors on our team specialize in creating high-quality blog posts, in-depth guides, web copy, and more. Our keyword experts make sure each piece of content they create is optimized for relevant terms.

Technical SEO is, well, technical

Technical SEO is concerned with the structure and backend processes of your website. Without getting too technical, it covers all sorts of best practices that make your site more secure and user-friendly.

Is your website optimized for mobile access? Does it use SSL — the security technology represented by the “S” in HTTPS? How quickly does it load? Does it contain duplicate content?

If you answered “Huh?” to any of those questions, you may need a website audit. If we don’t know what’s broken, we can’t fix it.

Off-page SEO is about backlinks — but there’s more to the story

To judge your site’s authority and credibility, search engines also account for how other websites interact with it. Most off-page SEO is accomplished by building backlinks.

In the future, and perhaps already, Google is likely to take other off-page factors into account. A relevant brand mention, even if it’s not linked to your site, may boost its search rankings.



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Backlinks communicate authority.

A backlink is an incoming link from a third-party site to yours. A robust backlink profile tells Google others see your site as an authority on topics relevant to those links.

What does a robust backlink profile look like? It contains links from sites and pages of different authorities. The anchor text associated with those links is similar, with some healthy variety.

Building that sort of backlink profile is tricky. This is why we spend so much time building and maintaining our media relationships. We want editors and contributors to turn to our clients when they insight into one of their areas of expertise.

Bad SEO isn’t worth the risk

Because search engines take into account so many ranking factors, there are many different ways to boost your search rankings. “White hat” SEO services are those that improve yours while abiding by search engines’ terms of service and protecting the integrity of your site. “Black hat” techniques go against these guidelines and risk incurring site penalties.

At Relevance, we don’t engage in any “black hat” tactics. As we remind our clients, Google is smart; sooner or later, it will catch on. Any gains achieved using these underhanded techniques will be lost — and then some.



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Become an SEO Pro

Not to feed a fed horse, but SEO is complicated. If you want to learn more, get reading:


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